Wednesday, 8 October 2008
3.03 am
Porque te extraño; extraño tu presencia.
Solo verte una vez mas, para saber si estas bien.
No me rechaces ... Estoy cansada. Este cuerpo solo
desea la almohada de tus pechos.
El calor de tu blanca piel.
A pesar del dolor, no puedo dejar de amarte.
No es así de fácil.
Solo el tiempo. Solo las nuevas situaciones del día a día.
Encontrando personas haciendo ruido.
Hasta que un día me despierte.
Y me de cuenta de k esta falsa ilusión, me enseno
a no aferrarme a este imposible: de no verte.
Miro el teléfono a la misma hora.
Deseando que llames.
Pidiendo a gritos escucharte.
Es lo mismo todas las noches: No estas.
3.13 am
More silence
Un vacío no saciado por el sexo, el alcohol o alguna sustancia que
haga olvidar a este cuerpo el dolor al rechazo, a la soledad.
Ya entendí, mi querido Franky, lo que decías. Hasta que probé yo misma
el pedazo de experiencia que me faltaba, para entenderte.
Te extraño, por veces, no puedo dejar de pensar en tantas cosas
que me hablabas. Nunca quise que me dejaras. Pero te fuiste.
No hago mas que extrañarte en otro cuerpo,
buscar tus besos en otra boca, y sentir el latir de tu corazón
en otro pecho.
Dijiste que estos son mis sentimientos, solo míos.
Pues Si. Son solo míos hasta el día que te olvide.
Bendiciones para ti y dulces suenos baby!
Monday, 6 October 2008
Fuego en mi ser....
Un sentimiento lleno de energía.
Ese que mueve montanas.
Ese que hace temblar la tierra
El que siento en mi ser.
Desperté esta manana, extranandote tanto extranandote fuerte.
Donde estas que no te veo???
Donde esta ese fuego que me mueve a verte?
A sentirte. A buscarte. A extranarte. A desearte.
Quiero verte. Pero no basta con querer.
La voluntad, la fe que mueve todo.
Es .................. la llama del verdadero querer.
Senti que me sentias :)
No puedo dejar de sentir tu olor, es un afrodisíaco.
Es mas que pasión.
Tus besos son el vino que emborrachan mi ser.
El néctar que endulza mi alma de placer.
Quiero sentir me dentro de ti. Sentirte dentro de mi.
Que no me dejes nunca, ni siquiera en pensamiento.
Ni siquiera en espíritu.
Déjame ver tu alma ...toma la mía... y nunca nos separemos.
Ni siquiera la muerte nos podrá separar.
No importan las vidas.
Te voy a buscar. Quiero que seas feliz.
Quiero verte sonreír siempre.
Quiero Salvarte. Mi amor...
Darte mas que mi alma. Darte mi ser.
Dar mi vida para salvar la tuya.
Para Alguien que quiere y no quiere.
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Last time!
Una esperanza para volver a vernos.
Un beso, un abrazo intenso.
Podemos caminar por las calles tomados de las manos.
Darnos un beso a escondidas debajo de un farol apagado.
Calentarnos nuestros cuerpos en una fría tarde de noviembre.
Mirarte con intensa locura mientras te pido que no me dejes.
Donde esta esa ilusión. Esa de volver a verte. De quitarnos nuestras mascaras
Y entregarnos a la intensa verdad de que nos amamos.
Quiero sentirte sin que me toques.
Escuchar en mi oído la intensidad de tus palabras.
Sentir tus suaves labios como besan mi boca.
Y ver a través de tu mirada de nino. El hombre que en silencio quiere
destrozar este cuerpo con su fuego.
Quiero sentirte dentro. Por Dios!!!!
DOndes estas?????
Siempre pospones todo.
Después, después.... estoy cansada de ese después.
Dame un ahora....
Un intenso momento de éxtasis.
De entrega total ... Un cuerpo a cuerpo sin final.
Hasta que duela. Hasta el alma diga: YA!!!!
Estoy cansada de esperar... De no verte al despertar.
De no sentirte.
De no tocarte
De estar idealizando un momento eterno.
Ven, te ordeno que vengas.
Y me des lo que me prometiste.
Estoy aqui, como una nina tonta esperando por ti.
Un beso grande, Cara de angel !!!!
Give me a reason...!!
Todos mis esfuerzos se basan en eso.
En darme cuenta que fue una fijación mental o
un cascaron mental el querer estar contigo.
Give me a reason..!!
Quiero borrar ese pasado. Porque muchas preguntas
han quedado sin respuesta.
Pero solo el tiempo borrara. Yo no, no mi mente, no mi corazón.
Simple .. es simple ... yo solo quiero compania , un amor
Alguien para construir un futuro, para tener una vida.
Alguien para caminar por la arena, para no estar tan sola.
....Me canse de buscar... ahora encuentra me tu.
O simplemente, que me encuentre otro.
No lo sabes, desde que no estas... se quedo el hueco en mi pecho.
El lugar esta sin llenar.
Simple. Es simple lo que quiero:
Que regreses!
Lo grita mi ser.
Mis noches son un largo devenir.
Te busco en mis suenos, porque en el dia no te encuentro.
Se han hecho largos los días. Pero no puedo traicionarme a mi misma
Te fuiste... Y si estas con otra, solo deseo lo mejor para ti.
Comprensión, ternura, delicadeza y una sutil forma de transformar
las mentiras en verdades y las verdades en mentira.
I just left to look ahead.
That's all.
A big hug wherever you are.
Friday, 26 September 2008
Yo estoy en ti, en tu ser.
No puedo dejar de sentir,
pienso en tu mirada tierna.
Cuando te recuerdo
siento el olor de tu pecho.
Siento la suavidad de tus labios
Esto es un pensamiento,
un sentimiento.
Evoco tu recuerdo...
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Where were you???
Mis pensamientos son solo un grito desesperado por
volver a verte.
....estoy sola, me sentiré completa cuando estemos juntos.
Cuando compartamos las puestas de sol.
Las noches de lluvia.
Los días en abundancia, los días en escasees.
Estas lejos. Y me siento preocupada.
No se si te falta un abrazo, o si mueres de hambre.
O si necesitas abrigo.
Daría hasta lo que no tengo para estar contigo.
Hasta la mitad de mi vida.
Buscaría hasta debajo de las piedras...
....Me siento impotente ....
Pero tengo que luchar para tenerte y no perderte.
In front of me...
estuvo 13 anos delante de mi.
tuvieron que pasar cosas, tuvo que morir y renacer.
Tuve que re inventarme y volver a mi esencia.
Somos tan parecidos, y al mismo tiempo tan diferentes.
El, muy sexual. Yo, muy espiritual.
El, muy egocéntrico. Yo, muy universal.
Somos un mismo pensamiento.
Estamos separados por el cuerpo.
Lamento mucho no haber hecho la conexión.
Pero no era momento, no era el lugar.
Para conectarme con el necesito estar tranquila.
necesito vestirme de aroma sutil.
Mis ojos lánguidos, deben mirarlo suavemente.
y mientras me penetre .... el no debe darse cuenta
que mi mayor pensamiento es ....QUE el me ame para siempre...
Para ti... (H>A)
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
bitter sweet truth
It's just taking time for realize
that many dreams are fake...
Other ways to change....
Just a bit!
Sometimes you make it, too.
How long will you take to disguide a truth????
Saturday, 12 July 2008
Velo blanco, velo negro
El secreto entre dos....!
Que juego tan extraño.
El quiere ser libre.
La libertad es interna.
Puedes estar con quien estes. Pero si te sientes libre por dentro, lo demas no importa.
Si esa persona te proporciona libertad, tranquilidad, estabilidad. Eres libre.
La energia no es estatica.
Lo que es parte de mi esencia pasa a ti.
Y parte de la tuya pasa a mi. Ahí esta el secreto del sexo.
Mira con cuidado quien te absorve tu energia, o con quien la compartes.
Que hacer???
Analizar que aprendi o que me toca aprender de el.
Aprender, he ahi el dilema.
Espontaneida muerta
No necesite mas nada, para frizar mis sentimientos,
Deje de sentir, pero el dolor esta ahí.
Las lagrimas se niegan a salir.
No se que hacer, por momentos no siento nada
estoy bloqueada. Cuando cae la noche empieza todo otra vez.
Quiero un consuelo, para aliviar el dolor.
quiero un soporte un abrazo desinteresado.
quiero sentarme a la orilla de la playa,
y sentir me libre otra vez.
Que muera el sentimiento. Y cuando piense en ti, no sentir nada.
Ese dia sere libre.
Cuando piense en ti. Y no me importe nada.
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
The hand that open door
Silent in the middle of the night
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Blue, Not today!!!
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Sweet Dreams my love
Sweet dreams my love.............
This is a raining night...I want to see you there
in my dreams... in my heart.... into the nights
Just a Drop!!!
Just a drop is enough...
For get exited in the mind world...
Just a drop is enough
for lose control
One day you wake up from those nightmare
Your sense scream: Forget everything, don't mean a thing!
Just forget Anything...
it's a stone in your way...
Everything is till one day
when you decided through away....
Saturday, 12 April 2008 the middle of my lonelyness
No need more time....
Im alone, you have gone, already....
Only pretty hopes are dying...
Only pretty dreams have disappeared
Tomorrow is just another day without you...
and Quiet in the middle of the Silent
White Feeling
The day when I wake up, and see that you don't mean a thing..... I will realize that there's nothing in the corner of my heart..
The time has past....Only in my dreams you exits .......the wounds are healing, but the scar is tough.....
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Monday, 7 April 2008
Poison Blood!!!!!!!!
Lonely soul!!!

A soul which one was feeling used by someone who it loved
Many days without thinking, and today I started to do it again...
I'm a lonely soul in the middle of the night....
Bring me a dazzling light for awake in the dark.....
Where's the boy who was beloved
My memories don't let me alone.
Sunday, 23 March 2008
How is going your life??????????????????
Nothing had happened.....
Only the loneliness is company for me...
I'm screaming your name like searching for
a little of attention....
Nobody reply......
In the silent of the night.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Dazzling light....
Bring me joy,
Bring me life,
Put a little hope in this heart....
I'm blind... By your Dazzling light....
Didn't allow me to see more than that....
I couldn't help it..!!!!
You remained in my heart...
I never liked to say goodbye...
I'd rather stay away for a while,
Giving some space,
Time will say....
Please, don't let me apart...
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Inner voice...!!!
but you can not have her soul"""
'''''''You can make her cry,
But the scar won't disappear""""""
""""You can make her anger,
But she'll remains hesitate""""""
So.., Don't screw up..!!
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Sweet dreams
A precious pearl....
My reality is full of you....
I'm fed up, you had fall apart...
No mercy,
For this foolish heart...
Sword is not enough for break this feeling...
I don't want to be SAD...!!!
It's not worth of it!!!
You had walked away....
the pain is killing me inside..
That one which one visit me each night...
I can't bear, no more....
I was running away....but it was not enough ....
I'm weak, my lonely heart still remember your smile,
I want to scape....
there's no place....
I'm dying a bit every day...
Fading in pieces...I scream your name...
My voice is not enough aloud..
Set me free, come with me...
Today, I'm not happy....
Bring me a gift: Your smile on your face...
Your love in your chest....
And your smell in my clean body....
Which one doesn't want no one else.....
...a cold loneliness begin to come,
My soul still looking your smile
..... in the middle of clouds..
My thoughts starting to built a castle
..... with the words threw in the wind,
those words said them by you...
I wonder if someday I will see you again...
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
You will be loved...

Till my last breath,
My last thought it should be:
Love you till the end of the world...
How big, how short..
Your soul its the same....
Doesn't matter the age...Its a same soul...
Come to my heart....
marray dil mein aaya....
Come with me and dance, the dance of love,
Drink my water....and Warped around my arms
Smell my perfum..meanwhile you drunk, sleep in my chest.
I can cross the sea....
But I can't force you...It's you choice ....
It's time to decide...take it or leave....
this heart doesn't bear more love for you...
I can cross the sea, I can change my religion,
the only thing i can't force the destiny, and cheat your heart..
Things must to flow...
But try to understand my position...
My heart will explode for so much love...
Just for loving you...
I just wish be loved for You..
Under the stones, swimming on the sea, climbing the hills
Where are you hidden love????
Restless heart...!!!!
This restless heart is waiting for you return...
If you decided to came back,
don't look back with anger,
Just walk in silent
Give a kiss....
Hold me tight....And give some whisper In my hear...
Leave it all..
Keep you warm in my chest!!!
You got my soul..
Give one day...

Give One moment to lay next to you.....
I will give you my gift: My inner self. My mind, my soul...
That time will be endless....
This restless heart doesn't want to hear explication...
it 's fed up to life in a dream world...
Such reality is this, when I dream I want to wake up,
(Im not with you)
When Im wake up, I want to sleep
(Just look at you in my dreams).
I want to taste your lips, smell your body,
Share your soul with me...
I'm jammed between my dreams and my reality...
Did you take me for granted???

When You decided to walk away, I decided to stay.
People are just like inside decided to be....
Their fact reveal more than words can say
Fulfills you heart with joy.....
You made me believe....I decided how to be...
Between people..I still remain your laugh in my memory....
and when your hair fall down in front your face.
How can I loved this way...even if we are alike...
Let me join....Let me be....come back...
you won't regret for it..
Like a ...... Child
Thursday, 14 February 2008
Sliping down

All around is lonely....
I had slipped down to his feet.
But I guess, everything had gone.
I'm empty inside.
No love, no hate.
Only I'm stuck, blocked....
Without nothing.
I was trapped around your web.
I'm looking the way to scape.
Don't show off for what you did.
It's just a moment created by
an old feeling....
This time is for set me free.
Never look back,
It's an option.
Don't miss a thing....
I'm grin....
I'm getting apart for a
bad feelings inside.
Inner voice had talked.
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Snap off
I'm snapping off my heart.
Every day is different....
Finally, cheery is near, 'cause Anything is caring me.
That's strange love.
Or never was????
Today is only a wicked day.
when bad thoughts are on the way.
You led me on....
It's time to forget.
I won't dirt my soul with bad thoughts.
Stop my evolution.
Sunday, 10 February 2008
she will be loved-maroon 5
Album: Songs About Jane
Canción: She will be loved
Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else
I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I´ve had you so many times but somehow
I want more
I don´t mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn´t matter anymore
It´s not always rainbows and butterflies
It´s compromise that moves us along
My heart is full and my door´s always open
You can come anytime you want
I don´t mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I don´t mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
[in the backround]
Please don´t try so hard to say goobye
Please don´t try so hard to say goobye
I don´t mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Try so hard to say goobye
makes me wonder-maroon 5
Album: It Won´t Be Soon Before Long
Canción: Makes me wonder
I wake up with blood-shot eyes
Struggled to memorize
The way it felt between your thighs
Pleasure that made you cry
Feels so good to be bad
Not worth the aftermath, after that
After that
Try to get you back
I still don´t have the reason
And you don´t have the time
And it really makes me wonder
If I ever gave a fuck about you
Give me something to believe in
Cause I don´t believe in you anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to try
So this is goodbye
God damn my spinning head
Decisions that made my bed
Now I must lay in it
And deal with things I left unsaid
I want to dive into you
Forget what you´re going through
I get behind, make your move
Forget about the truth
I still don´t have the reason
And you don´t have the time
And it really makes me wonder
If I ever gave a fuck about you
Give me something to believe in
Cause I don´t believe in you anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference,
It even makes a difference to try
And you told me how you´re feeling
But I don´t believe it´s true anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to cry
(Oh no)
So this is goodbye
I´ve been here before
One day I´ll wake up
And it won´t hurt anymore
You caught me in a lie
I have no alibi
The words you say don´t have a meaning
I still don´t have the reason
And you don´t have the time
And it really makes me wonder
If I ever gave a fuck about you
And I...and so this is goodbye
Give me something to believe in
Cause I don´t believe in you anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference,
It even makes a difference to try
And you told me how you´re feeling
But I don´t believe it´s true anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to cry
(Oh no)
So this is goodbye
So this is goodbye, yeah [x3]
(Oh no)
If I never see your face again_Maroon 5
Album: It Won´t Be Soon Before Long
Canción: If i never see your face again
If I never see your face again
I won´t be sad, I won´t be sad
´Cause I will always
Remember what we had
We had love
Oooh, we had love
Nobody will ever love
Quite like we loved
No one will ever know
Nobody could ever take away
The love we made today
Nobody, nobody
So if it´s down to the bottom line
If it´s a question of love
Fading with time
I don´t need to see ya´
To love you
If I never see your face again
I won´t be sad, I won´t be sad
´Cause I will always
Remember what we had
We had love
Oooh, we had love
So if it´s down to the bottom line
If it´s a question of love
Fading with time
I don´t need to see ya´
To love you...
If I never see your face again
I won´t be sad, I won´t be sad
´Cause I will always
Remember what we had
You had me
And I had you...
Saturday, 9 February 2008
Make me wonder

I wake up, I make a little pray for you.
You hurt me, you teased me. Hope the divine justice make its facts.
I don't want to hate you, 'cause I had loved you a lot...
Only God knows how much i did....
I pray for you, every day.
For you luck, For a good life for you
. How can I be too stupid??? I'm not,
'cause I had loved you a lot.
How those things make me wonder: why I loved you, so much????
Believe me, I wish you the best of luck. your happiness is mine, too.
I pray for forgive all those lies.... I wanted to believed that you never did.
The past can not be changed..... What it's done is done.....
'till the day, I forget you..... praying for forgiving you........
'cause I won't to hate you,
I'm living for loving you,
Even though Im not with you. (I don't have You)
Friday, 8 February 2008
In deep....
You will see again and again, repeat in front of you,
till you had learned......
It's better cut of the root on time.
He is bad...evil.....a demon which one doesn't care anybody...
He wants his own satisfaction. Selfish.
Broken hearter.
Doesn't care how many girls he had hurt.
There will be justice.
He shall pay for what he's done.
I want to see that.
Take it from me....
He took something from me.
I felt dirty, abused....
Used like a napkin.
It was bad from my soul.
It was bad from my mind.
A bad memory..................
A nightmare...
That memory must to be cleaned.
Time will be the medicine.
A drug for my soul, for my mind.
There's not other person.
He must be cleaned by himself...
And Never look back.....
Praying God, that he should pay for that
For made me feel Used,
For his bad behavior....
For play with fire....I got burned.
I'm paying the high priceless for that.
Listen to your heart.....
when hesitate had come,
Don't trust so easily.....
It's like a snake, with green and cruel eyes....
I was thinking in go out with someone from my past.....(I know is delicate play with the thoughts)......I wanted go out and make some stuffs.......Suddenly, the guy appears......(and I discovered How big is God magnificences)......I decided to pray for find someone else......Somebody new.....and......delete him, from my mind and my soul......
Somebody from my past???????
Someone from my past not.....(it's not correct)...cause when you decided broke up......was for a good it's not good....look back.....
Someone new: new things, new thoughts, new opportunity..........
And Start from the beginning.....
Good luck, the next time...!!!!!!!!!
Ridiculous Thoughts
I'm leaving my hope away.....
"cause I can't fight with this feeling anymore.
Loving alone is not good for the spirit....
I want a lot of things, but they 're on my mind,
I really want to meet you.
I wanted to know if you wanted too.
I'd Rather to finish with this.
I don't want to life with this doubt
till the end.
Doesn't matter the consequences.
Accept the responsibility.
I really want to see you.
and join in a big hug.
Sunday, 3 February 2008
why love is so cruel????
Why love is so cruel???
that is not leave me to forget U.....
It's not over the love
just is not you're not here.....
Saturday, 2 February 2008
Friday, 1 February 2008
In your hands
thinner line....
It's a sweet moment for keep the mouth close.
there's no words to say.
It's such silent, best that any thing, else.
there's a line between words and silent,
sometimes Silent is stronger than words.
The beginning...
But it's necessary for our lives.
when the storm had ended.
when you had stopped to cry
for any hurt inside your heart....
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Love hurts....
You were trying to hide the truth....
One day, a morning spring day....your eyes change the direction,
your mouth keep in silent,
through your silent I discovered what was happening
You changed,
You left to be the same,
Your smile was not mine, your sweet sight left me forgotten in a corner
of your heart.
Your hands got lost clumsy movements....
the hugs were short....
I started to cry.....
Give one change we can try to pick up our lost love
The game is not over...
maray dil main aaj, maray dil mein samaja....
Letter to my lover (part 2)
Even the flowers are beauty, full of colors, sweet perfume.
when they started to die, they still keep their perfume.
Even the autumn, when sheet start to fall,
spreed the floor with such beauty,
How big is the love .....
where are you??? If you are happy my soul will be, too.
We are One.... Any thing you feel I will do, too. Because, we had been together
in one hug. Long hug.....
Do you know what happened after we had been together????
Your thoughts are mine, my thoughts are yours....
My soul is your angel, taking care of you, in every step,
in every move, any mine, any pain, also.
Even though I am far way from you....
You're not alone anymore.
We are now.....ONE SOUL.
Your soul
Simply things....
Those ones full you in many ways....
There are things in life that you can allow run away,
that things start to cut at the root of,
When you are just in time
the choice is in your hands.
Your thoughts have such vibration,
which one make your all around better, of course
if you decide, otherwise, will be a big mess.
Remember: Each person which one had arrived to you,
must to sign out, better than before......:)
I'm feeling confusion....Do you really want me???
I don't want a dream, I want a reality.....
Thoughts are strong....Honey, Trust on me...Be my friend.....I want to feel that I am your friend. All ....we can talk about ideas, great ideas. ....I know you need a partner with one to share that kind stuffs.....By my side, I want to be your friend, too. and make some discussion about any topic.....
There are a lot of things for share.....
Life is more than that.
Monday, 28 January 2008
Drown my sorrows
what you had done
Why did you hurt me like way???
Why had done to you???
You can be sincere and tell me the truth...
you rather to tell me lies, and used me.
I won't to life in this sea of pain....
for you,
I will be strong I will be like an ice.
Not more love in my heart,
It's hurting so deep
Oh God, Send me an angel...which one save me
from this loneliness, and take out from my chest this
I had drown my sorrows,
But they are still there.
I want to heal the pain.
And feel that he really don't care.
he cheated me, he lied to me
Life must go on
I need a pills to forget this hurt.

It's a risk...
when you start to feel something for somebody....
Nobody tells how big is the love,
Or how much time will last,
It's a risk, but it's life....
You will win, you will lost,
you can reject every thing will come.....
Is like a """hamburger Combo"
when you start the game
you accepted the risk....
Now you have to learn about it....
Life is life....
The image says: """when you are in love and you get hurt, it's like a cut
It will heal, but there always be a scar.""
Without direction

how it was???
I don't know in with moment I started to love him,
in which second of our time share together,
that was pass like a pouring rain,
or like a sweet sunset....
like a tears down through my face,
It's passed.....I should be strong....
and said to myself that it was a dream...
you don't ask me to do it....
Just it passed.....
Now I must to live with the fact: Loving you and don't have you.
I can't do anything.....Just keep this love with me, until time make me help to forget you.
Good love, my last thought before I go to dream world.... It's that you can finally be happy.... your soul
Image says: Passion is the first step to love at first sight,
because the passion become strong to you then you love,
so, finally is love at first sight...
Loneliness is not stay here in four walls,
means much more,
when there's no one around to understand us....
when you want to find any arms for cry,
if you are in any place and your sight get lost,
in the middle of the people,
you're feeling alone....
when you fell in love and you don't understand why you feel alone,
when that guy which one day said you : I love you....Had used you.
you start to feeling blue,
loneliness is more than listen sad song....
More than be in a place without known anybody.....
More than walking down the rain,
Is feeling fears....
Is feeling like a napkin....
It's feel like I feel today: Used and forgotten.....
-I feel emptiness _ said Samantha
-why?? How come????_ asked Kristin
-Sometimes I don't feel anything, No sad, no happy. Just like that.
-There's any explication about it.....don't you think????
-Well, that the way life is...nothing more.
-Let him go, please. People comes, people goes. But that kind of stuff, must not to affect you.
-It had not affected me. It's just I'm empty.
People comes and give you too much happiness, share their stuffs, their laughs, their thoughts....
Give more than you can imagine,
Against, there are other ones which one take away some things from you......
they are like a thief, they wear out every hope on you...
Friday, 25 January 2008
Time to heal

Is a precious time for realize how much you cares yourself
when you had discovered that feelings in the heart can change
It's hurt..... cause the wounds takes times to heal....
when you had discovered that person doesn't mean anything....
Only time give you the answers,
even though you still loving him (or her)....
when a soul which one you had loved had gone....
It's time to forget.
it's time to letting go....
Look at yourself.....
you will see you still loving
but loving yourself.....
Sweet Sacrifice_evanescense
Sweet sacrifice.....
It´s true, we´re all a little insane.
But it´s so clear,
Now that I´m unchained.
Fear is only in our minds,
Taking over all the time.
Fear is only in our minds but it´s taking over all the time.
You poor sweet innocent thing.
Dry your eyes and testify.
You know you live to break me. Don´t deny.
Sweet sacrifice.
One day I´m gonna forget your name,
And one sweet day, you´re gonna drown in my lost pain.
Fear is only in our minds,
Taking over all the time.
Fear is only in our minds but it´s taking over all the time.
You poor sweet innocent thing.
Dry your eyes and testify.
And oh you love to hate me don´t you, honey?
I´m your sacrifice.
(I dream in darkness
I sleep to die,
Rase the silence,
Erase my life,
Our burning ashes
Blacken the day,
A world of nothingness,
Blow me away.)
So you wonder why you hate?
Are you still too weak to survive your mistakes?
You poor sweet innocent thing.
Dry your eyes and testify.
You know you live to break me.
Don´t deny.
Sweet sacrifice.