Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Blue, Not today!!!

It's a either day.... No calls, No thoughts about you
No even a love, Any thought about you, I try to get away...
'Cause It's hurt...
Doesn't matter deleted photos or chat conversations,
Even you ID, whether I see your smile in my thoughts
or If I still remembering you !!!
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Fed Up!!!!

It's just another day....
Making things new for a big change
It's Just another day
Making things forgetting old ones

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Sweet Dreams my love

Sweet dreams my love.............
This is a raining night...I want to see you there
in my dreams... in my heart.... into the nights
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Just a Drop!!!

Just a drop is enough...
For get exited in the mind world...
Just a drop is enough
for lose control
One day you wake up from those nightmare
Your sense scream: Forget everything, don't mean a thing!

Just forget Anything...
it's a stone in your way...

Everything is till one day
when you decided through away....
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Saturday, 12 April 2008

Quiet..in the middle of my lonelyness

Yes, indeed...Time........
No need more time....
Im alone, you have gone, already....
Only pretty hopes are dying...
Only pretty dreams have disappeared

Tomorrow is just another day without you...
and Quiet in the middle of the Silent
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White Feeling

The day when I wake up, and see that you don't mean a thing..... I will realize that there's nothing in the corner of my heart..
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The time has past....Only in my dreams you exits .......the wounds are healing, but the scar is tough.....
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Tuesday, 8 April 2008

When there's no place to stay
When there's no more tears for cry
Life become lonely
'cause you're not by my side
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For pure innocences which one it's been lost
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Monday, 7 April 2008

Poison Blood!!!!!!!!

My blood is poisoned....
The cure is in your blood....
the one can heal my pain
and ease this sorrow.........
Make them blow away!!!!
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Nothing left to say..................

This one is for you....
"cause words have not found....
You said me once:
Nothing left to say
to you Saad
'Cause You had gone!!!

It's hurting me so hard...
But life is just like that
Sometimes is not easy to forget
Even though my mind want deny it,
remains your smile in my heart

Lonely soul!!!

This is a story to a lonely soul
A soul which one was feeling used by someone who it loved
Many days without thinking, and today I started to do it again...
I'm a lonely soul in the middle of the night....
Bring me a dazzling light for awake in the dark.....
Where's the boy who was beloved
My memories don't let me alone.